Thursday, July 15, 2010

Only Thing that Counts is Faith expressing itself Through Love

Faith, Hope, and Love (Revised Version)

Drowning before everyone else yet only I can tell that I am in trouble. I shout but no one seems to hear me. They are all lost in their own consciousness. However no one can hear the cries from their brothers and sisters right beside them. Why has the world turned a blind eye? And why does the world no longer hear the calling of help from their own kin. Do they refuse to help and stand by idly? Certainly not! Who among us would not come to the aid of their own family? Would you not even come to the aid of your neighbor if they were crying out for help? If we are so sensible then why do we not help those around us? The answer is evident yet hidden. We have become too involved in ourselves in this world that we don’t even see what is happening to others. But who can drown and yet still try to save your friend who is also drowning. I tell you it is impossible. Before you can save someone else you must first be saved. We are all in need of a savior. When we do find ourselves out of the water, no longer in danger of drowning, why then is it so hard to save others. How can you save someone from drowning if you can’t convince them first that they are in danger? To them its foolishness.

Does it really matter anyways? In the end what have we achieved? Is life meaningless to the very sweet bitter end? Even if we become saved ourselves it only means we are then able to recognize everyone that will drown. Ignorance is bliss to the wise and the foolish alike. Death is certain, and it is a road we will all travel on at some point. There awaits us a party, a feast like none other. Be cautious not to view this life as a prelude to that which awaits, or else we are in danger of making a mockery out of the gift that we have been given. For that reason live everyday in such a way to win the race. Don’t be afraid to love because it might cause pain, such is the life of one who sacrifices and serves. No one knows when his hour will come, so until such a time arrives, live a life full of love. Faith, love and hope are our instruments to use in this world. Faith turns to the truth, and its impending light reveals the hidden and shines light upon those who have given up their life to one greater. Hope remains regardless of circumstance, and fights for those who have long given up. From rejoicing comes perseverance, and through that shines character, and hope is originated out of those who show obedience and humility. Finally love. Unconditional, immeasurable and inconceivable is a love shown to us. Without it we could gain the world but lose our soul. We can love others through actions and words. We love because God first loved us. And Christ laid down his life for us: This is how we know what love is. And it will never fail as long as carry him around with you. It gives freely and is willing to give for others who might never come to fully understand. Those who do uncover this mystery will find a joy that circumvents all others. You will be able to recognize those who have love because they will shine out like. Be genuine in all that you do so that in all things God might be praised through Jesus Christ.

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